Ahmed Fahad Al-Qahtani
Student, Weill Cornell Medical College

Ahmed Al-Qahtani is a Qatari national who was born in Egypt while his father was preparing his M.D. at Cairo University. He has lived in Qatar for most of his life. He graduated from Qatar International School in Doha. Ahmed’s dream since primary school has always been to become a doctor. His father is an established ophthalmologist in Qatar which stimulated his interest in the medical profession, though his father never pushed him to pursue this career path.
He gained admission to Weill Cornell Medical College in 2009 and his M.D. studies began there. Ahmed’s ambition is not limited to within the hospital walls. He is keen to help tackle certain increasing health problems in Qatar, such as obesity and diabetes. He started working in the laboratory of Dr. Ronald Crystal on the main campus in NY to identify the most common terminal diseases and their prevalence within the Qatari population. Ahmed is still in touch with the laboratory and works with them when he has time to spare from his busy schedule.
Ahmed has also chosen to play a key role via social media as a medical student. He was selected as the face of Weill Cornell’s new Your Health First initiative which aims to raise awareness of issues relating to a healthy diet and lifestyle in the Qatari community. Numerous local TV networks have interviewed him.
Ahmed is currently a third-year medical student working in a hospital to gain more clinical experience. He will graduate in the summer of 2016 where he will start his medical career.