WISE held the third working session for the Agile Leaders of Learning Innovation Network (ALL-IN) in Paris on February 20, 2019. The ALL-IN workshop in Paris was the largest gathering, with 42 people mainly comprising of leaders of school associations, leadership program providers, researchers and policy makers from 14 countries. The meeting included high profiles in the field such as Beatriz Pont, Senior Policy Analyst in the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills. Darleen V. Opfer, Vice President and Director of RAND Education, whom shared a recent school leadership intervention evaluation toolkit by RAND. As well as Anthony Mackay, CEO of the National Centre on Education and the Economy, and members of the International Education Leadership Centres Network.
As with the Accra and New York workshops, the meeting in Paris provided an opportunity for participants to share their insights, exchange knowledge and to network. The ALL-IN meeting was facilitated by Dr. Asmaa Al-Fadala, Director of Research at WISE and Dr. Simon Breakspear, CEO of Learn Labs Global. The Paris meeting consisted of four agendas:
- State of the field: Cross Country Learning
- Innovative Case Studies of Leadership Development
- Progressing the Agenda: Collaborative Working Groups
- Case Study Group Meeting
The ‘Innovative Case Studies of Leadership Development’ session included insightful presentations from academics and program providers in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and Singapore. The last session of the meeting was the case study group meeting, this gave an opportunity for five researchers to coordinate with five leadership program providers whom were paired prior to the meeting. The researchers will conduct fieldwork by studying the programs, see what works and how others can learn from the successes of these programs. The Paris meeting allowed for the researchers to take suggestions from participants on what to consider and identify when studying the leadership programs. The five reports will be presented and discussed further at WISE 2019.