Prof. Fasli Jalal
former Vice Minister of National Education, the Republic of Indonesia of National Education

Professor Fasli Jalal, former Vice Minister of National the Republic of Indonesia. He has been serving as Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, for two years. He has also been a Professor in Clinical Nutrition at Andalas University, West Sumatra, since 2009. He got his Ph.D. in Nutrition from Cornell University, USA, in 1991.
Fasli Jalal started his career in the government in 1991 as Head of the Department of Nutrition, Bureau of Health and Nutrition, National Planning and Development Board, Republic of Indonesia. In 2001, he was appointed by the Minister of National Education to become his Expert in Educational Resources. After that, his career at the Ministry of National Education continued developing. In 2001 he was appointed Director General of Non-Formal Education and Youth. In 2005 he was made Director General of Quality Improvement for Teachers and Education Personnel before being given the post of Director General of Higher Education in November 2007. He was appointed by the President as the Vice-Minister of National Education in January 2010.
During his professional career, Fasli Jalal has worked actively with international organizations such as the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a consultant. Fasli Jalal has an avid interest in youth education development and always gives a warm welcome to youth organizations that need advice or direction to develop their organization. He is still also active as a counselor at the Indonesia-Canada World Youth Exchange Alumni. In 2001, he was given The Most Outstanding Alumni Award from the Canada World Youth, Montreal.
In 2010, Fasli Jalal was awarded the Henry-Kauffman Prize, for his contribution to the development of education especially for Eastern Indonesia. He is the first person to recieve this award.
Despite his busy schedule, Fasli Jalal still writes and edits articles, journals and books. His special interests are education, early childhood education and nutrition. Collaborating with the World Bank he recently published a monograph on teachers' education.