Lama Nassif
Associate Teaching Professor, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar

Dr. Lama Nassif is Associate Teaching Professor of Arabic Studies at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (CMUQ). Prior to joining CMUQ this fall, she taught Arabic and Linguistics at Williams College, Middlebury College, the University of Texas at Austin, and was Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on noticing and attention in second language (L2) development, sociolinguistic development in L2 Arabic acquisition, and the interface between L2 research and pedagogy, and her work appears in peer-reviewed, international journals. In 2022-2023, she served as Queen Rania Foundation (QRF) – Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Resources Fellow in Jordan, where she worked on advancing QRF’s focus on research-informed pedagogies, and designing approaches to promote the uptake of educational research for teachers, teacher trainers, and policy makers.