Mr. Olivier Crouzet
Pedagogical Director, 42
France, United States of America

Olivier Crouzet holds a master’s degree in IT. In 1999, after working for two years as system administrator in the third largest French Internet service provider, he joined Nicolas Sadirac to design the pedagogical model of a leading French IT school which currently enrolls 4,000 students.
Following this first success, Olivier designed 42 along with Nicolas Sadirac, Kwame Yamgnane and Florian Bucher after the school was founded and fully funded by Xavier Niel, the owner of one of the four largest French telecom companies.
Currently, Olivier is working at both, improving the pedagogical model of 42 as well as promoting an evolution of the French education system through events and conferences. Olivier participates in various international study groups such as those organized by the European Commission and the OECD.