Ryan Steven Vargas Angeles
Co-Founder & CEO, FractalUp

Ryan Steven Vargas Angeles is the Co-Founder & CEO of FractalUp, a new educational platform that redefines blended and online education. FractalUp assists the learning process by using Artificial Intelligence to personalize specific learning paths. It integrates learning, testing, reviewing and tutoring systems allowing fractals (FractalUp students) to learn faster through following step-by-step their learning routes providing high quality educational material. Ryan Steven is part of the Global Shaper Community, and has worked in the instrumentation-engineering field and as an innovation consultant. In 2012, he was a Spanish Government Fellow at the Spanish National Research Council and a fellow of the Botín Foundation and Brown University. In 2013, along with the researchers Marcos Vargas and Lester Vargas, he founded the EdTech startup FractalUp, which has been recognized by Forbes 30 Under 30 in the education category, Intel Challenge in San Francisco and Hello Tomorrow Challenge in Paris for covering high standard primary and secondary education, university admission standardized test preparation, and freshman university courses in Latin America. FractalUp offers a series of services including blended learning and virtual based learning platform (SaaS). In the same year, the team was recognized by the MIT Technology Review TR35 for establishing the world’s first dynamic education engine to generate learning routes using big data.