Salman Ahad Khan
Student, Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar

Salman Ahad Khan is a Junior at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar and is majoring in International Politics. Originally from Pakistan, Salman was born and raised in Qatar. Having spent his entire life as a migrant, he is deeply passionate about issues pertaining to migration and he aims to bring those issues to light through various media.
Salman has been involved in a number of initiatives that have helped develop his capacity to explore issues pertinent to migrant education in Qatar. In Georgetown, he has been part of the Labor Equations Program and the Community Engagement Program, both of which were transformative experiences for him. The programs included the filming of a documentary on the cultural aspects of migration, and traveling to the Philippines to meet with key governmental and non-governmental agencies relevant to the migration process.
In August 2013, Salman and five of his peers were awarded an UREP grant from the Qatar National Research Fund for a project that aims to educate migrants and their families through a series of interactive video tutorials that fill the educational void migrants and their families face by providing basic financial literacy. –
Salman is also developing a proposal with Qatar Foundation for Protection and Social Rehabilitation, as well as with the Center for Design and Innovation that aims to see how cultural artifacts can be employed to manage expectations of the migrant experience. He is currently an intern at the U.S. Embassy in Qatar and a publications intern at the Center for International and Regional Studies in Georgetown University. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Middle Eastern Studies Student Association journal.