Research Publications – Teacher Wellbeing & Learning Sciences

2023 WISE Research
Leveraging the Evidence on the Relationship between Teacher and Student Well-being in Learning and Teaching
WISE, SEL Research Lab (UIC), and The Wellbeing Project

2021 WISE Research
Teacher Wellbeing: Findings from a Scoping Literature Review and Case Studies in Cambodia, Kenya, and Qatar
Duke University, The Wellbeing Project

WISE-JobTeaser Survey: “Preparing the New Generation for the Future of Work”
Conducted by Ipsos

2017 WISE Research
Securing the 21st Century Teacher Workforce: Global perspectives on teachers motivation, professionalism and retention
UCL Institute of Education / STIR Education

2017 WISE Research
Collaborative Professionalism
Boston College

2015 WISE Research
Learning and Well-being: An Agenda for Change
Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, European Institute of Education and Social Policy

2015 WISE Research
Teacher Policies: Global Best Practices for Developing the Teaching Profession
National Institute of Education, Singapore