Adrian Blight
Director of Imagine Education
United Kingdom
After a decade of secondary level teaching in an ICT-rich environment and with an excellent track record of classroom success, Adrian formed the Imagine Education consultancy partnership in 2004 ( following two successful years as a business development manager at an innovative secondary school in Bristol. He has extensive management experience within UK schools as Head of Communications Faculty and Senior Management member, and was formerly a research fellow at Bristol University as part of a government-funded investigation into effective classroom use of ICT.
Adrian has worked with Bristol University on their teacher training programme and has been responsible for the school-based delivery of Initial Teacher Training across the curriculum. He has been a key player in the development of teaching strategies and materials for the creative use of ICT in English teaching and was a DfES Best Practice Scholarship award holder.
Adrian has spoken on the subject of ICT in Education at major events worldwide. Amongst other roles he has managed a major e-learning project in Jordan, and oversaw a substantial and sustainable community development and teacher training project in Johannesburg in partnership with British Airways and UNICEF. Adrian has extensive experience ICT integration training globally on behalf of partners such as the British Council, Microsoft and USAID. Adrian is currently a principal strategy consultant for the Microsoft Innovative Schools Program and an advisor for other K-12 education initiatives within the corporation. Adrian is an experienced and renowned international consultant with valuable skills enabling him to work closely at all levels of education from Minister to classroom practitioner.
Most recently Adrian has become a founding fellow of the Education Impact consultancy, an independent international body of experts that support and advise all stakeholders involved in ICT and education. (
Areas of expertise include:
• Education futuring
• ICT and education: ensuring impact
• Development education and capacity building
• Establishing communities of best practice in ICT and Education
• Leadership and change management training
• Pedagogy training: ICT and education
• Initial Teacher Training methodologies
• E-learning strategy, implementation and evaluation
• Innovative curriculum design