Dr. Alexander Romiszowski
Professor, Syracuse University
United States of America

Dr. Alexander Romiszowski holds advanced degrees in both Engineering and Education and a PhD in Educational Technology applied to Mathematics Teaching. He has worked in over 20 countries as researcher, teacher, consultant and “hands-on” practitioner in the areas of Human Resources Development (HRD), Organization Development (OD), Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation (IDD&E), with recent projects in Mozambique, Nigeria, Indonesia, Brazil and the USA. He teaches in these areas at Syracuse University, USA, and the State University of Rio de Janeiro and is a Visiting Professor at the National Open University of Nigeria. His contributions to the literature of the field include 15 books, some 90 papers in refereed journals and over 200 book chapters, research reviews and other publications. He is a contributing editor to educational technology journals in the USA, UK and Brazil.