Amir Fehri
Author, Ambassador of Francophonie in the World

Amir Fehri is Tunisian, he is 15 years old and he has been appointed as the Ambassador of Francophonie in the world. He published 4 books at the age of twelve, which gave him 25 international prizes in literature as the ARTS AND LETTERS OF FRANCE INTERNATIONAL PRIZE, 2014. Mr. Fehri speaks seven languages (Kurdish-French-Chineese-English-German-Arabic-Latin) which allowed him to communicate with the most important leaders of the planet.
He also has achieved through his work a reputation and a renown worldwide. He has been invited by some of the world’s most famous TV stations to talk about his experience with the youth he has worked with since his childhood.
He was first of all Ambassador of Francophonie in the United States in February 2018, under the supervision of H.E Mr. Gérard ARAUD, Ambassador of France to the United States. He visited young French and American high school students, including the Los Angeles French High School, the Los Angeles International High School… His program also included visits to Stanford and Georgetown Universities, as well as the Alliances Françaises in the US. He interacted with the students in order to strengthen the Franco-American friendship by conveying the essential values shared by these both countries, particularly from the cultural, environmental and political point of view. He also dedicated a lot of effort during this stay in order to increase the number of French students coming to the United States of America by specifying the
importance of inter-cultural and multi-cultural exchange. Finally, Mr. Fehri has encouraged young people to express themselves in writing by providing them with the secrets that have allowed him to succeed and cross his spath into the world of literature.
In October 2018, Mr. Fehri has been invited to fly with Mr. Emmanuel MACRON in the presidential aircraft heading to Armenia, where was organized the International Summit of Francophonie. He had there several meetings with presidents and prime ministers as Mr. Justin TRUDEAU, Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. Charles MICHELS, Prime Minister of Belgium and Mr. Michel AOUN, President of Lebanon.
In view of his outstanding results, his teachers advised him to sit for the tests of the French baccalaureate this year to enter school of Medicine, bearing in mind that he already has three school years in advance.
Amir has also been invited in March 2019 by HE Ms. Audrey AZOULAY, UNESCO General Director, to give a speech in front of all permanent countries ambassadors to UNESCO around artificial intelligence and the unfair access to education for children from different regions around the world. This is the following link of his live interview on UNESCO Facebook :
Mr. Fehri had an official visit to Republic of Irak in August in order to defend access to education for children refugees. He had meetings at the highest diplomatic level before visiting the children refugees in Domiz to discuss about access to education. He asked Iraqi Prime Minister to give the royalties of his last books, which are the most read in Tunisia, through « Amir Fehri Foundation » in order to build schools for the children who do not have access to education in Irak. Indeed, he is is very concerned by this matter and thinks that non-access to education is a real danger for future generations as it should be a human right for all.
Mr. Fehri will also share with all leaders of countries and governments during the upcoming international summits the experience he will have as a young child, visiting children refugees camps in Irak. He wants to ask them to do something to support children refugees and include this matter as one of the most important today and to declare his worldwide project concerning access to education for children refugees.
Mr. Fehri is actually collaborating with the President of European Commission, through “Amir Fehri Foundation” in order to open the first International school in Mossoul. This school will be a real symbol for education as it has been decided that it will be built inside the camps for refugees and it will give a new chance to all children refugees. It will give access to the official school programs of the countries participating in this school. Children refugees will be able to continue studying in this official International school and then decide if they want or not to leave Irak in order to go abroad.