Dr. Anna Saavedra
Associate Policy Researcher of RAND, Associate Policy Researcher of Al Jisr / INJAZ Al-Maghrib
United States of America

Anna Saavedra (EdD, Education Policy, Harvard Graduate School of Education) addresses questions relevant to educational policy in under-served schools in the United States and in developing country settings. Her recent projects include an evaluation of the impact of enrollment in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program on disadvantaged high school students’ academic achievement, probability of high school graduation and probability of college enrollment. Anna’s current work includes contributions to an evaluation of summer learning programs in six U.S. Districts and an evaluation of school reform initiatives taking place in four U.S. Districts. She is also writing a book chapter on civic education in U.S. schools and is investigating the impacts of higher education on students’ critical thinking, problem solving, interpersonal and writing skills and of corresponding implications for higher education quality. Anna uses a range of research methods including causal analysis, survey analysis and collection and analysis of focus group, observation, interview and historical data.