Antoine Godbert
Founder of 2e2F agency

Antoine Godbert is Director of the 2e2F Agency (Europe-Education-Formation France) which is in charge of implementing and deploying the Education and Lifelong Learning European Community program in France. Previously, he was Diplomatic Advisor to the staff of the Ministry of National Education. At the same time, he is an Affiliated Professor at l’Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris (ESCP Europe) where he is in charge of the European Geopolitical Studies department. He is also a member of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) team.
A former student at the Ecole nationale de l’administration (ENA) and of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay-St-Cloud (ENS Fontenay-St-Cloud), he worked as a journalist from 1990 to 1992, then as the manager of a company that produced educational videos until 1994. Antoine Godbert is the holder of an Agrégation in Geography and was a teacher-researcher in geopolitics at ESCP-EAP European School of Management from 1991-1998.
In 2001-2002, he worked in the Secrétariat général de la Défense et de la Sécurité nationale (SGDN, General Secretariat for Defence and National Security) where he managed the “crisis management” and “European Defence” portfolios. In 2002 he joined the Direction générale de l’Administration et de la Fonction publique (DGAFP, General Office for Adminstration and the Civil Service). There he created and led the “Senior-Level Management and Careers” mission until 2005.
After being Acting Director of Anthenor Public Affairs, in 2007 he became Managing Director at AGMA Consulting, a consultancy in institutional relations. In 2008, Antoine Godbert joined the team of the Secretary of State for the Development of the Capital Region as an advisor on the “capital region mission”. He held this post until he was appointed diplomatic advisor to the Ministry of National Education by the ministerial decree of 28 July 2009.