Eduardo Giugliani
Pontifical Catholic University
Full Professor at the Technological School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, PUCRS. Director of IDEIA – Support Center for Scientific and Technological Development, PUCRS. Post-Doctor and Distinguished Fellow by Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento, Italy. Doctor in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2011). Master in Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. He has business experience in the area of Civil Engineering – Structural Engineering Consulting and Projects. In university management he served as Manager of the Civil Engineering Course, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, and Program Manager of Strategic Projects at TECNOPUC/PUCRS. He works in scientific and technological development projects with a focus on innovation, innovation environments, interdisciplinarity, corporate governance, knowledge management, human factors and resilience engineering. Member and President of the Superior Council of the Colegio de las Americas (COLAM), linked to the Inter-American Organization for Higher Education (OUI-IOHE). Member of the Municipal Scientific and Technological Council (COMCET) of Porto Alegre, RS. Lecturer and author of articles and chapters in national and international publications. Author of the books Governance Model for Science and Technology Parks, edited by ANPROTEC and SEBRAE (2012); and Research, Innovation and Development, edited by CIKI (2018). Permanent member of the Board Council of the International Congress of Knowledge and Innovation – CIKI. He is currently General Manager of the Project “Integration of Human Factors and Resilience to strengthen the Culture of Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry”, LIBRA / PETROBRAS Consortium (2019-2022); Academic Manager in the “Red Iberoamericana de Universidades para Innovación y el sostenible developo – REDUiS” Project, CYTED – Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el desarrollo (2018-2022), and Academic Manager of International Program for the Training of Managers for Innovation Environments (PIFGAI/OUI).