Prof. Emmanuel Tonye

Professor in Telecommunications and Remote Sensing of National Advanced School of Engineering- Polytechnic, the University of Yaoundé


Professor Emmanuel TONYE is Professor in Telecommunications and Remote sensing in the National Advanced School of Engineering- Polytechnic, the University of Yaounde I, recruited in 1981 as Lecturer and promoted to full Professor in 2002. 

Distinction: Officier des Palmes académiques de la république française since February 2006. Member of the Cameroon Academy of Science 

Technical Adviser N° 1 in the Ministry of Higher Education, from April 1999 to September 2005. 

Head of the Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications Department, from August 1999 to June 2005 and since January 2011. 

Head of the Electronic and Signal Processing Laboratory. 

Leading an Elearning Master program since 2007 ( 

Co-author of four books titled: (1) “Traitement d’images de télédétection par l’exemple” published in September 2000, Gordon and Breach, Paris, 200p; (2) ’’Traitement numérique d’images et applications : Méthodes statistiques et optimisées pour le traitement numérique des images de grandes tailles’’, Editions Européennes, Allemagne, 2010, 250p (3) ‘’Problématique de l’informatisation des processus électoraux en Afrique‘’, published in April 2004, L’Harmattan, Paris, France ; (4) Tic et éducation en Afrique, Applications, recherche et perspectives published in 2011, L’Harmattan, Paris, France. 

Author and co-author of about forty scientific articles in journals with a reading committee in the domains of electromagnetic radiation and antennas as well as the interpretation of remote sensing images. 

Some of them can be downloaded from the website Since January 2001, Associate Editor and rapporteur of the review entitled ‘TELEDETECTION’ on line ((