Jean Michel Blanquer
General Director, ESSEC

Mr. Blanquer has held several administrative and scientific posts in French national education and higher education. A Lecturer in Civil Law at the University of Tours (1994-1996), professor of civil law at the Lille Institut of Political Studies then the University of Lille 2 (1996-1998), he became Director of the Institute of Latin American Higher Studies in 1998 at Université Paris 3. He occupied this post until 2004, when he was named the Chief Education Officer for French Guyana. In October 2006, he became Deputy-Director of the cabinet for the Minister of Education, Higher Education, and Research. He was Chief Education Officer of the Académie de Créteil between 2007 and 2009 and became Director General of Secondary and Junior School Education from 2009 to 2012. He has also been the President of the Americas Institute since 2004. He is the author of numerous works and articles on constitutional law, the theory of law, education and Latin America as well as non-university publications.