Prof. John Traxler
Professor of Mobile Learning and Director of the Learning Lab of University of Wolverhampton, Professor of Mobile Learning and Director of the Learning Lab of Half the Sky Foundation
United Kingdom

John Traxler is Professor of Mobile Learning – probably the world’s first – and a full UK professor, and Director of the Learning Lab at the University of Wolverhampton. He is a Founding Director of the International Association for Mobile Learning, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning and of Interactive Learning Environments. He is on the Editorial Board of Research in Learning Technology and IT in International Development. He was Conference Chair of mLearn2008, the world’s biggest and oldest mobile learning research conference.
John has co-written a guide to mobile learning in developing countries and is co-editor of the definitive book, Mobile Learning: A Handbook for Educators and Trainers, with Professor Agnes Kukulska-Hulme. They are working on a second book together about contextual mobile learning. He has written more than 16 book chapters on mobile learning, and talks and writes frequently on the consequences of connectedness and mobility on learning, knowledge and societies.
In the autumn of 2011 he will be starting projects in Palestine and Gaza, and supporting the South African Department of Education, in both cases in the area of teacher training with mobiles.
In 2009, he was shortlisted for the Handheld Learning Conference Special Achievement Award, received Best Research Paper Award from the Association for Learning Technology and was on the panel of judges for the JISC national blogging competition in 2009. In 2010 he joined the international judges for the GSMA prize for mobile learning apps at the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona, spoke in the 2ndLearning Technologies debate at Olympia at the invitation of Epic and in Paris, in March 2011, at the Cap Digital Think Tank in partnership with Compas group, Microsoft and PM Conseil.
He was part of the organizing group for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) m4Ed4Dev Symposium in August 2011 in Washington.