Ms Meeta Sengupta
Founder, Center for Education Strategy

Meeta Sengupta is a writer, speaker and advisor on education and skills. She designs institutional interventions to meet organisational learning goals. She connects the dots across silos of policy, research and practice to write a number of columns and blogs (including the Times of India, The Daily Pioneer, Forbes etc.) where she shares ideas and solutions with the education community. Meeta has advised education innovators, budget private schools, universities and foundations. She has consulted on governance operations, leadership, gamification, storybuilding, growth strategies and more.
She is a member of the FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) Skills Development Forum, and on the National Council of NISA (National Independent Schools Alliance) of budget private schools in India. Meeta is the founder of #EduIn, an online discussion that brings hundreds of participants together every month on key education issues. She has been the Senior Advisor, Centre for Civil Society and on the India Advisory Board of STIR Education that gathers micro-innovations in schools. Meeta W Sengupta is a Fellow of the Salzburg Global Seminar. She speaks regularly at events – both as a keynote speaker and moderator.
Meeta Sengupta has worked both as a policy observer and at the coalface of education in the UK and India. She has catalysed several academic start-ups including the India Centre at the London Business School, Commonwealth Business Council and the Richmond Business School. She has been an investment banker, a researcher, an editor, a teacher and school leader and is an alumna of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. A keen observer of how economics, foreign policy and investments affect the policy and practice of education, she is currently seeking to transplant pedagogical methods across contexts to improve skill development in education.
She runs various programs and projects such as the School Safety Campaign, Project BookBoarding and CALA, Communities as Learning Aids, which was soft launched at WISE 2014.
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