Prof. Mercedes Zamora Collazo
Academic Advisor of the Literacy and Education Chair for Young and Adults of Latin American and Caribbean Pedagogical Institute (IPLAC), Academic Advisor of the Literacy and Education Chair for Young and Adults of Fundación Carulla

Dr. Zamora participated in the Great Literacy Campaign in Cuba (1960-1961) some years later she became a teacher and she worked in Junior and Senior High School as a teacher since 1969, after this she was designed Head of Staff at different educational levels and Director of Senior High School sharing responsibilities with teaching up to 1992 when she was promoted to different positions such as Methodologist and Head of Department of Senior High School up to 1997 in municipal and provincial level. Later she worked as Adult Education Methodologist in the Ministry of Education of Cuba for 10 years.
Mercedes Zamora has experience with administrative management issues and she has trained Director of schools, Directors of Education at municipal and provincial levels. She has collaborated in Literacy field with different countries: El Chaco District in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Tanzania some of them in native tongue. She was the Coordinator of The Greenlight Learning for Life ¨Literacy and Basic Education Programs in New Zealand and co-Coordinator for The ArrowMight Canada Learning for Life program.
Currently she works as an Academic Advisor of Literacy and Education for Young and Adults at The Latin American and Caribbean Pedagogical Institute (IPLAC). She has elaborated face to face, television and radio literacy programs and besides she has worked on diagnosis, evaluation, management and training to develop literacy and adult education projects with intercultural approach for multilingual contexts, as well she has participated in technical missions in several countries.
Mercedes Zamora has a Ph.D in Pedagogical Sciences; her main research is in reference to adult literacy and post literacy, where she develop and introduced a new theoretical and methodological conception in diagnosis process for Adult literacy, she has published 20 articles about this topic; she has participated in several international events.