Prof. William Zumeta
Professor of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies of Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington-Seattle
United States of America

William Zumeta, PhD, is Professor of Public Affairs and Education at the University of Washington (Seattle) where he directs the PhD program at the Evans School of Public Affairs and co-directs the CREST interdisciplinary doctoral training program in education sciences. He is a Fellow of the TIAA-CREF Institute and served from 2005-11 as Senior Fellow at the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. He was President of the Association for the Study of Higher Education in 2009-10. Zumeta is the lead author, with David W. Breneman, Patrick M. Callan and Joni E. Finney, of Financing American Higher Education in the Era of Globalization (Harvard Education Press, 2012). In 2011, he co-edited, with Daniel Levy, Private higher education and public policy: A global comparative view. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 13(4).