Learning World: Sporting Change

Learning World February 28, 2014

Sport is a way of learning that can transform lives.

Part 1 – Comeback Kids, Brazil 

In impoverished parts of Sao Paolo in Brazil, for example, its positive impact is clear. Felippe, who used to be a homeless drug addict, is now a professional boxer thanks to the ‘Garrido’ boxing project

Part 2 – Aspire Academy, Qatar

A winning attitude can also change your destiny, and that’s one of the lessons to be learned at Qatar’s Aspire Academy For Sports Excellence. As Qatar prepares to host the World Cup in 2022, some students at Aspire are striving to become football stars on a global scale. 

Part 3 – Kung fu Careers, China 

Sport can also open doors to a good job. In China Kung Fu is more than just a way to become mentally and physically tough, it can also enhance your career prospects.