Culture and Identity: What Makes Us Human

In an increasingly globalized world, it is becoming more common for people to share the language, food, culture, history, and traditions that they know with each other. Though political and economic contexts play a big part in how we share and celebrate our identities – we want to see how classrooms and education systems can shape our shared humanity through the recognition, empowerment, and celebration of cultures.

A Musical Route to Student Empowerment

Music can be used as a passport across cultural borders to nurture young minds.

Branching Out: Analyzing the Study Abroad Program Experiences of QF’s Students

Studying abroad changes a student’s prior perception of an institution, a city and it's people.

Finding Our Voices Through Creative Writing

Writing can be an effective remedy for youth who feel their voices aren’t being heard.

Building Intercultural Understanding Through Music

Music does not exist only for entertainment, it becomes something that represents real people.

Formulating Language Policies for Globalized Contexts

Educational systems that promote multilingualism build valuable resources for communities and people.

Creating Cultural Harmony Through Digital Learning

Through the discovery of others, we reinforce the self and build bridges of mutual acceptance.

Constructing a Better World Using Compassion as a First Item in the Toolbox

We need to build a future which includes as much diversity of experience and thought...