Imagining the Future of Education
We have embraced the profound changes of the digital age and we are exploring the further dazzling disruption of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, yet education often remains unchanged and seems largely disconnected from these dramatic developments.
Lifelong learning has become crucial. As technology replaces human roles, big data, artificial intelligence and smart living create new workforce paradigms and require new skills. Imagining future jobs calls for a reimagined, renewed education today.
How can education systems transform themselves to anticipate the future? What tools and innovations will be the real change-makers? What role should higher education, technology and entrepreneurship play in shaping change? Speakers at WISE@Madrid share their views.

Can Universities Save the Enlightenment?

Designing the Future of Education

The Death of Education, But the Dawn of Learning

Simple Questions, Complex Challenges

Redesigning Educational Systems for the Future

The Big Idea: Reset the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem with Education

Why Higher Education Must Transform Itself to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century