Leveraging Technology for a More Equitable Education

Innovative technologies are transforming the landscape of education. While there is great enthusiasm for and considerable investment in cutting-edge EdTech, there still remains the pressing issue of promoting equity in education. Although digital programs and applications have huge potential for increasing the availability and affordability of educational resources, mounting evidence would suggest that there is a widening gap in student performance and this is closely linked to what is referred to as the ‘second digital divide’. 

What is the latest research on the equity implications of technology? How can online education platforms best serve the interests of students and teachers in economically challenged areas? In what ways can emerging tools democratize education and improve learning outcomes? In this selection of articles, specialists in this field bring their own insights and perspectives to explore the key issues at the intersection of technology, equity and learning.

The Second Digital Divide: Privileged Usage of Educational Technologies

How do social and cultural exclusions in the use of educational technologies lead to disparities...

Harnessing Technology to Bridge Gaps in Education

Online education platforms promise more equal distribution of quality resources and teacher training support in...

Using Data to Drive Outcomes in Education: Getting the Right ‘Recipe’

How can data be employed most effectively to generate sustainable and measurable change in education?

How the Blockchain Can Help Us Trust Each Other (Again)

The Blockchain has the genuine capacity to prevent any 'alternative facts' from taking over the...