Mr. Scott Isbrandt

Directeur/Chief of Party of USAID PAJE-Nièta


Scott Isbrandt is currently the Director for the USAID PAJE-Nièta (Projet d’Appui aux Jeunes Entrepreneurs) project in Mali, and has extensive expertise in the development of educational multimedia for in school and out-of-school learners. He previously led Project ABC (Alphabétisation de Base par Cellulaire) in Niger, delivering basic education to rural learners via cell phones and improving the livelihoods of agricultural producers by creating systems to access agricultural market data via SMS.

Mr. Isbrandt currently leads the technical development of Stepping Stone, an mLearning mobile content delivery platform built in Java for the PAJE- Nièta youth entrepreneurship initiative in Mali.

Previously, Mr. Isbrandt has led the design and development of multimedia textbooks and video production for education projects in West Africa and the United States. He holds a Masters in Sustainable International Development from the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University.