Mohammed Ali

Student, University of Khartoum


Mohammed Ali is a Sudanese Medical Student at the University of Khartoum. He was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and raised in Kuwait, Sudan and Uganda since his father works as a diplomat in the Sudan Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

With the deep realization that he did not want to be a conventional medical student, Mohammed joined the Medical Students’ International Network-Sudan (MedSIN-Sudan) and the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) in 2011, where he developed a passion for traveling, non-formal education and human rights and peace. 

Mohammed is currently the National Officer on Human Rights and Peace in MedSIN-Sudan. He represented Sudanese medical students in regional conferences in Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia as well as international medical students in India and Chile.

Mohammed is a Trainer on Non-Formal Education, certified by the IFMSA since 2011. He has gone on to conduct more than 120 hours of capacity-building training for medical students all over the world on topics such as Time Management, Study Skills and Speed Reading, Presentation and Communication Skills, Advocacy and Lobbying, Creative Thinking and Emotional Intelligence.

He participated in a Research Exchange Internship at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden in July 2014 where he took part in research on breast cancer.

Mohammed was recently selected as a Youth Representative at the First Global Forum on Youth Policies, convened by the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth together with UNDP, UNESCO, the Council of Europe and Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Youth alongside 199 other Youth Delegates out of 4,705 applicants.