About the Project
eLimu is one of the most talked about EdTech companies in Africa and the leading digital educational content provider in East Africa. The project has digitized curriculum content for Kenyan upper primary students with an emphasis on digitally rich videos, animations, sound clips, music and illustrations to make the learning process fun and engaging. As a disciple of Kenya’s “vision 2030”, eLimu also promotes responsible citizenship through its extended learning content which covers health, sanitation, hygiene, personal financial literacy, environmental conservation, human rights, etc. The KCPE Revision and Hadithi! Hadithi! literacy apps make learning fun and engaging for curious children both at school and at home. By combining engaging content with proven pedagogies, learning has improved dramatically. A recent study of the literacy apps showed progress in reading fluency 3 times faster than the control group.
The government recognises the problem, and the potential of technology in schools. Since 2016 they have begun rolling out one tablet to each of the 1.2 million Class 1 children in 24,000 schools across Kenya. There is a massive need for content for these devices that matches the Kenyan curriculum, and makes learning relevant and accessible to Kenyan children. That need extends to the 7,000 private schools and the millions of parents who want educational content for their children that they can access on a mobile phone.
That’s why eLimu has developed the leading application for KCPE Revision. The best-selling textbooks in Kenya are revision textbooks – precisely because parents realise how important the exams are. Our app contains all the material in six textbooks, yet is cheaper than buying the books. Students can also take past papers and get their scores instantly and be directed to what they need to learn – saving teachers and students time.