Fiona Mavhinga
Executive Advisor, CAMFED Association

Fiona Mavhinga was one of the first young women who completed her education with CAMFED’s support. Today, Fiona is a lawyer and leads on the strategic development of the CAMFED Association, the Association founded by former CAMFED clients who organize and act on behalf of girls and young women and contribute to their communities. Through the CAMFED Association, women are leading action on the big challenges their countries face – from child marriage, and girls’ exclusion from education, to climate change.
Having experienced first-hand the vulnerability even of those young women who manage to complete secondary school – with no resources, and no employment opportunities available in rural areas – Fiona became a key founder of the CAMFED Association. Organised into elected committees from district to national level, the Association provides a robust mechanism for cascading knowledge and offering training and leadership opportunities to young school leavers. Connected through mobile technology, young women overcome rural isolation, help build each other’s lives, and use their experience and expertise to support many more vulnerable children to stay in school, thrive and lead change. The CAMFED Association now provides the backbone of the programs through which CAMFED is bringing about systemic change. As Executive Advisor, CAMFED Association, Fiona is leading on ways to grow and replicate this powerful model.