Dr. Florence Tobo Lobé
President of Rubisadt Foundation, President of SEDUC/AM - Education Secretariat of Amazonas

Dr. Florence Tobo Lobe was born into a Protestant family of ten. Her late loving parents encouraged her to make a success of her life as a happy human being who just happened to be a girl. She was raised in Cameroon where she received throughout her high school education the best student award, Prix Ahmadou Ahidjo. She was admitted to Wellesley College in the USA as an African Scholarship Program of American Universities (ASPAU) scholar along with Hillary Clinton, class of ’69. She then completed an LMD (Licence, Maîtrise, Doctorat) cycle with honors at Paris South University (Orsay) with a research stay at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), concluded with a Ph.D. in organic chemistry.
With her ex-husband, Samuel-Henri Lobé, civil aeronautics engineer and former ASECNA representative, she has two smart children: Ida-Anne, a hematologist, and Olivier, a singer and image producer. After 10 years of a civil career – Yaounde University Senior Lecturer, Director of a fertilizer laboratory firm in Douala, and representative of the Cameroonian government at international forums – she launched her own consultancy firm, ECCA (Expertise Conseil Consultation Analyse). Her main clients were the African Union (AU), the private sector and the United Nations (UN). In the services field, from 1983 to 1996, she acted as personal assistant and special advisor to CEOs. She is a legal court expert with a good understanding of Africa and the entrepreneurial environment, education and Women in Development issues. She enjoys music and sport and she remains a researcher, still training her mind to think.
In 1999 she created the Rubisadt Foundation which provides young talented high school African girls with supplementary high-quality and holistic training with a specific emphasis on science and technology.