Nichole Saad
Senior Program Manager, Education, Wikimedia Foundation

Nichole Saad is an education professional who has lived and worked in six countries throughout Asia and the Middle East. She is passionate about improving the quality of education globally for all children through innovative solutions that reach the most marginalized, and has built a career based on this premise. Starting out as a residential intern in an innovative school focused on environmental and outdoor education, Nichole has gone on to work as a teacher, curriculum designer, school administrator, and teacher trainer. While completing an MA at the George Washington University in International Education with a focus on international development, Nichole won a prestigious fellowship with UNESCO, and continued her work for UNESCO in Jordan as an Associate Project Officer in the Education Sector monitoring EU funded projects that provide quality education opportunities to Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians. Her current work at the Wikimedia Foundation allows her to pursue her academic interests in Teacher Professional Development, Education Technology, and International Development while working towards a world where the sum of all human knowledge is free and accessible to everyone.