Pamela Wright
Executive Headteacher of Wade Deacon High School
United Kingdom

Mrs Pamela Wright is Executive Headteacher of Wade Deacon High School which is an Outstanding School. Ofsted inspectors could find no areas for improvement; all the areas inspected were judged to be outstanding. In addition, Wade Deacon High School is the current Times Educational Supplement Outstanding Secondary School of the Year.
Mrs Wright is a National Leader of Education. This role involves formal school to school support. During the last four years she has worked closely with six secondary and one primary school to develop their capacity to improve. In all cases their examination results have improved. Two of the schools which had been in an Ofsted category have been removed and judged to have good capacity to further improve.
Mrs Wright is passionate about world class opportunities for all pupils to ensure every child has the skills to compete for employment in a global economy. She also places great emphasis upon developing leaders at every level and is totally committed in her conviction that young people come first and deserve the very best education in their one chance at school.