This project is one of the 2023 WISE Awards finalists.
The right to quality education is firmly rooted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, yet only 1 in 10 children in low-income countries can read by the age of 10 and over half of all children globally are not acquiring foundational literacy and numeracy skills. Over the past decades, amazing educational interventions have been developed and tested. However, these interventions are typically geographically limited, cover only a specific subject and a small number of grades.
Solution and approach
EIDU has developed an open platform which brings together the best educational interventions, helps governments to deploy them quickly & efficiently, and provides a system to continue improving learning outcomes after implementation.
We combine highly effective structured pedagogy programs with digital learning curriculum for students. Teachers have access to the platform that includes daily lesson plans and students access impactful & interactive content every day. Additionally, all student learning gets automatically assessed via internationally recognised assessments (EGMA/EGRA, MELQO) on a continuous basis, creating an unprecedented pool of real-time learning data. Combined with the ability to change content remotely, we create an infrastructure to run virtual randomized controlled trials with unprecedented speed and at near-zero costs. Implementation of the system is run by the government with dramatically improved transparency due to a holistic overview of usage & learning data collected by our platform.
Impact and future development
During 2022, EIDU, together with the Kenyan government, brought its learning platform to more than 94 000 children in early childhood development and education centers across 4 counties in Kenya. We are currently in the process of rolling out our platform to 300,000 children by the end of 2023. Our aim is to reach 3m children in 2025 and significantly contribute to solving the global learning crisis by 2030.