About the Project
The project started as a response to a post in a forum in mid-May 2014 and by mid-June 600 schools had signed up. The idea is to be able to use simple online testing to monitor attainment progress. First, use a standard test on entry to Year 7. Then, teach Year 7 and see how much progress has been made by testing again at the end. There will be two key measures possible. One is the score at the end compared to the beginning and the other is the position among all those of similar age that have taken the test, or of the same gender. Results will be provided confidentially to teachers who can then decide how to use them. The project will not make data on individuals or individual schools available to anyone other than the school in question. The aim is to sustain this as a free service since the greater the number of schools that take part, the better the statistical base will be.
The system is like a PISA test except that one can test pupils at any time and see how they perform compared to their peers in different groups. Eventually national comparisons would be possible. The testing is delivered using TLM technology that is built on open-source software and additional services include free evidence management and formative assessment tools in the cloud with the option to use the evidence and test results for formal nationally accredited qualifications.